CALL for PAPERS 29th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) University of Lucerne, 7 -13 July 2019 Dignity, Democracy, Diversity

[:it]Nell’ambito del 29th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) è aperta una  call for papers fino al 31 marzo 2019  per abstract da presentarsi nel special workshop intitolato ‘Bioethics and Biolaw and

[:it]Round table “La bioetica: problemi, sviluppi, prospettive”, January 21, 2019[:en]Round table “La bioetica: problemi, sviluppi, prospettiva”[:]

[:it][googlepdf url=”à-di-Milano-21-gennaio-2019.pdf” download=”Download” ][:en][googlepdf url=”à-di-Milano-21-gennaio-2019-1.pdf” download=”Download” ][:]