Lectures (from February 19 to April 20, Monday 14.30 room U6/34, Thursday 14.30 room ‘aula seminari’ 2135 of the School of Law U6 2nd floor, Friday 8.30, room U6/34. Building U6 is located in Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1). The round table April 20th takes place in building U1, room 13.

Lectures’videos are available at 

1. Technological and scientific development in the EU legal framework  (Lecturer: Silvia Salardi, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca),  February 19th
2. The relation between morality and technology (Lecturer: Patrizia Borsellino, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), February 22nd
3. Contribution of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to the enforcement of the Convention of Human Rights and Biomedicine (Lecturer: Silvia Salardi, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), February 23rd
4. ‘Moral’ technologies and new legal subjectivities within the EU framework of fundamental rights (Lecturer: Silvia Salardi, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), February 26th
5. ‘Moral technologies’ and the case of conscientious objection (Lecturer: Michele Saporiti, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), March 1st
6. Human enhancement and EU policy-making: the case of ‘moral’ bioenhancement (Lecturer: Vojin Rakic, Center for the Study of Bioethics, Belgrade), March 2nd
7. ‘Moral’ technologies: the ethical-legal case of doping in sport (Lecturer: Silvia Salardi, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), March 15th
8. The role of European and national Committee on Bioethics in promoting public awareness as regards the ethical-legal questions arisen by ‘moral’ technologies (Lecturer: Patrizia Borsellino, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), March 9th
9. Neuroscientific research in the EU ethical-legal framework (Lecturer: Markus Christen, University of Zurich), March 12th
10. Genetic experimentation: scientific state of the art, new trends, and ethical-legal questions in the EU scenario (Lecturer: Giuseppe Testa, European Institute of Oncology), March 5th
11. Human enhancement and the essence and integrity of the human being (Lecturer: Lore HĂźhn, Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg im Breisgau), March 19th
12. ‘Moral’ technologies ethically designed by default: protecting the right to health and to self-determination (Lecturer: Michele Saporiti, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), March 8th
13. Specific forms of bio-enhancement and scientific state of the art: the case of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation tDCS (Lecturer: Zaira Cattaneo, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), April 12th
14. Robots and moral-legal obligations (Lecturer: Cristina Vanz, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), March  22nd
15. Moral bioenhancement in the Italian legal system (Lecturer: Silvia Salardi, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), March 23rd
16. Designing Artificial Intelligence and the Root to moral Subjects (Lecturer: Silvia Salardi, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), April 16th
17. Moral’ technologies and fundamental rights: is there a legal right to ‘moral’ enhancement? (Lecturer: Silvia Salardi, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), March 16th
18. ‘Moral’ technology and human dignity: the case of neurointerventions (Lecturer: Silvia Salardi, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), April 13th
19. Constructing ethical-legal knowledge: the influence of technology (Lecturer: Francisco Javier AnsuĂ tegui Roig, UniversitĂ  Carlos III Madrid), April 9th
20. The right to health and self-determination in the EU court decisions (Lecturer: Michele Saporiti, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), April 5th
21. Focus on ethical-legal questions arising by the project of Moral Bioenhancement: responsibility and freedom (Lecturer: Patrizia Borsellino, UniversitĂ  di Milano-Bicocca), April 19th

22. Round table on ‘Moral technologies and fundamental rights’ ,  April 20th. TALKS: Health Justice and Rights, Prof. Seoane J.A. University da CoruĂąa; Human Cognitive Enhancement within the Italian Constitutional System, Prof. Pizzetti G. University of Milan; Mind reading technologies: towards a right to mental privacy? Prof. Andorno R. University of Zurich; Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and the Brain: Ethical and Policy Issues, Dr. Ienca M. ETH Zurich; Ethical implications of using psychostimulant drugs, Dr. Galletti M. University of Florence; Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT): the case of Down’s Syndrome, Prof. Piga A. University of Milan). Introduction by Prof. Silvia Salardi, Chair by Dr. Michele Saporiti. Room 13, building 1, Piazza della Scienza, 9.00 a.m.


Materials to prepare the exam will be discussed and selected during the course


1) Stefano RodotĂ , Il diritto di avere diritti, Editori Laterza, 2012
2) Papers to be selected write an e-mail to

In addition, students must select one of the following books, which are available also in English:

a) Giuseppe Testa, Helga Nowtny, Geni a nudo. Ripensare l’uomo nel XXI secolo, Editore Codice, 2012 (English version: Naked Genes: Reinventing the Human in the Molecular Age (MIT Press) 2011)
b) Nickolas Rose, La politica della vita, Biomedicina, potere e soggettivitĂ  nel XXI secolo, Einaudi, 2008, (English version: The Politics of Life Itself: Biomedicine, Power, and Subjectivity in the Twenty-First Century, 2006)


Oral exam in Italian or English according to the student’s preference