Series of seminars within the course of Bioethics, a.y. 24/25
“Neurodiritti: definire le strade per una protezione adeguata”, Thursday 24th october 18:00/19:00
Flyer of the event organized with the Bicocca Alumni association
Interview to Silvia Salardi ” Neurotecnologie: il cervello umano al centro del futuro che ci aspetta, tra etica e libertà individuale”
Full text avalable on BNews
Da Kelsen a Jonas, priorità dei doveri e il futuro dell’umanità
Lecture within the course Filosofia del Diritto (A-L) 6th of May given by professor Alberto Puppo
L’impatto delle nuove tecnologie su diritti e società. Una riflessione attraverso il cinema.
Series of lectures from the 17th of April to the 10th of June on human bio-enhancement discussed thought cinema
BNews inteview to Silvia Salardi “Oltre l’ideologia dell’intelligenza artificiale”
Link to the interview on BNews
Ciclo di approfondimenti nel corso “Philosophy of Human Rights and Pluralism” Contemporary issues in Sustainability: technology environment and climate change. 20 March-16 April
New SHADE research hub
The new international and interdisciplinary SHADE RESEARCH HUB is now online, if you are interested in Sustainability, Health, AI, Digital technologies and the Environment subscribe to the newsletter SHADE Newsletter
“Approfondimenti in Bioetica” Seminars in Bioethics academic year 23/24. 31 October -17 November
Flyer link
Bnews interviews to Silvia Salardi “Approfondimenti di Bioetica, dai temi tradizionali alle nuove sfide poste dall’innovazione tecnologica nella ricerca di frontiera”
Link BNews